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Memo for sellers and buyers

You are reading our booklet because the potential buyer suggested to buy your goods (in accounting terms it is "asset") or services using a secure sale transaction, in which the selling and buying parties are reliably protected from losses. The method of protection of the parties implies the so-called Escrow transaction through the mediation of a third party, which acts as a third-party observer for compliance with the interests of the Parties and the arbiter in resolving disputes, if such arises. Escrow transactions are reversible, that is, when the interests of one of the parties dissolved, she is returned to everything that she owned before the transaction usually during 14 days.

Mediating, the third party is usually called an Escrow agent or is not specifically called. In our case, the Escrow agent is the Financial

institution European Stardard Bank (https://www.eurostandardbank.com). The buyer will kindly make you an invitation so that you will have the opportunity to use the services of this agent and open an account in it if you refer to him, since having the intention to buy Buyer already has such an account.

If you have made purchases on such famous trading platforms like Aliexpress, Amazon, Dhgates, Ebay, Allegro, Olx and many others and made a supply for goods through these platforms, you have already used previously Escrow transactions, since these platforms are mediated in user trading operations. But none of the users of these platforms flew to America or China to open an account on them. Similarly, our platform works - you have the opportunity to use our services similarly via the Internet. Today it is difficult to find a person, who never enjoyed Escrow transactions in life.

However, all of the above platforms and those who have not included in the list provide the ability to make a transaction to the buyer only if the buyer came with his own money. If the buyer has no funds, then on these platforms he will never buy anything. And this is because on the purchase, no one of these platforms is credited of his clients and never credited earlier.

We, as a financial institution, in contrast to all of the above platforms with a high probability, provide for our customers with working capital to make trade and sales transactions with the protection of the parties in these transactions by the Escrow accounts applied in the transactions of the parties. That is, we are the only Escrow platform in the World, or an Escrow Agent who has the ability to provide for buyer with a trade loan, increasing its purchasing power or solvency. At the same time, with the Escrow technology, we protect the seller, the buyer and our loan.

Agreeing on the buyer's proposal, who handed you this information booklet, you have the opportunity to sell your asset today, right now, to be 100% risks free to lose something in the transaction, boldly accept payment and transfer your goods, real estate, boat , yacht, car or plane.

You can make this deal alone, regardless of the amount of the transaction and regardless of what exactly you are selling. Having received payment, you can make a prepayment with the same protected Escrow mechanism without worrying that you will pay money and will not give you a product or other asset. Not depending in which city or country will be the seller you are securely protected in the transaction. If the product determined by the contract or asset is not delivered to you, you will be 100% refunded of your working capital by Escrow agent. In the transaction, you do not need guards, witnesses and other third-party participants, whose services are usually resorted to cash settlements. We worried about your calm and the protection of your property interests, the protection of our loan funds and the protection of the interests of all who will use them.

Escrow transactions very similar with transactions with credit or debit bank cards. And if, when using credit cards, payment transactions undergo within the framework of the limits fixed by the Bank, and transactions over $ 500 are blocked until the passage of special verification and identification of the payer, then you will conduct a limitations free Escrow transactions and Escrow agent do not participate in them until one of the parties of the transaction will not complain to this or that infringement of its rights or violation of the terms of the trading contract.

Use a unique opportunity to sell today, sell right now. Use a unique opportunity to buy for obtained funds from the sale what you planned to buy. Take advantage of the opportunity to get a loan to what you lack your own funds, implement your dream and have the help of someone who sells you something that there is a need for you and your dream will earn money before he did it without You.

We provide Escrow defense of trade transactions completely free. Why risk a commodity or money, why hire guards or carry costs with this related, if we provide you with adequate protection in any trading operations at our costs in a comprehensive package of servicing you, as a user of our loan funds, regardless of whether you are a borrower or ordinary seller of goods or services.

Today, there is nothing more reliable in the World to protect the parties in trade transactions except Escrow account. Today in the World there is no possibility anywhere to get a loan for Escrow transactions independently what you are going to buy a car, home or Boeing. We will provide you with the opportunity to make the purchase of any asset, if you need a loan and is able to repay it.

Trade in contemporary, trade without fear, trade without surviving for losses, since you are securely protected from them. Expand your trading turnover by increasing sales on Escrow transactions, buy more products for sale with our business lending. You will learn your business partners and suppliers with the ability to make protected Escrow transactions and with the possibility of increasing sales by purchasing from suppliers using Escrow accounts, handing them a copy of the present booklet. If you yourself do not take care of increasing sales and increasing your turnover - no one will do it for you.

Escrow transactions are not something new. Humanity use them more than a hundred years. And it obtain confidence in the protection of the objects of purchase and sale and interests participating in the transactions parties. Increase your profits and reduce your risks and losses. Share this information with your business partners as money is a tool of collective use. On a deserted island, money does not have values ​​and Escrow accounts are also not needed. Escrow transactions bring their fruits only circulating among conscious merchants who have been got the advantages and benefits that they get using such settlements. And so to have a proper understanding of what is based on protecting transactions and parties to them, familiarization with this booklet is inevitable. Read and let your business partner familiarize yourself including the suppliers and buyers.

Escrow Agent has no obligations to the fiscal bodies of any country and does not provide them with information about the executed transactions. Cash payment is always inferior to Escrow transaction, as it has ten times more risks for each side of the trading settlements.

Escrow Transactions are not prohibited by the legislation by any state in the World.

You can get more information from the Escrow agent, a credit institution or a buyer who has already the experience of performing an escrow settlements or in all together.

Internet Addresses:

Escrow agent - https://www.eurostandardbank.com

Lender: www.globstarclub.org.

Contact details of the buyer: ________________________________________________


Trust the protection of your money and selling assets in the buy-sale transactions by professionals. There is no better protection of buyers and sellers in the World than the transactions carried out using the Escrow accounts when protecting the interests of each party in the deal by Escrow agent. In the World, only we provide loans for trading operations protected by escrow transactions. All this is for you - free.

Our advantages:

1. Your assets have 100% protection against loss in purchase and sale transactions. It can not be such that you are paid, and the purchased assets did not receive. Such guarantees will not give you no alternative method of transaction neither credit cards, nor letters of credit.

2. If there is not enough money to buy anything in Escrow Settlement, it is possible to get loan. No other Escrow agent provides such an opportunity.

3. Loan You can get theoretically with any credit rating if you can prove the possibility of repayment of the loan and pay percent on it.

4. Loan interest rates are even 10 times lower than in some countries of Eastern Europe.

5. International loans to the buyer are provided, which is rare.

6. Credits are issued self-collateralized - you do not need to look for a collateral, you do not need to work for turnover many years to show them at the lending bank during your application for loan.

7. Protection of loans and assets of buyers and sellers we carry out at our expense throughout the entire period of their use.
