
URL: www.vrmt.us

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Frequently asked question of Sellers

Question: Is escrow transactions something new that didn't exist before?

Answer: Escrow transactions are not something new. Mankind has been using them for more than a hundred years. And receives from them confidence in the protection of objects of sale and the interests of the parties involved in the agreements. Increase your profits and reduce your risks and losses. Share this information with your business partners, as money is a tool for collective application and use.

Question: What does the escrow payments look like compared to debit or credit card payments?

Answer: Escrow payment is very similar to the payment by credit or debit bank cards. And if when using credit cards payment transactions take place within the limits set by the bank, and transactions over $ 500 are blocked until the moment of special verification and identification of the payer, then you perform extracurricular transactions freely and the escrow agent does not participate until one the parties to the agreement will not complain about any restriction of its rights or violation of the terms of the trade contract.

Question: What is a tripartite deposit agreement or escrow agreement?

Answer: The seller, buyer and deposit agent enter into a deposit agreement (Escrow Agreement), which describes the nature of the agreement, amount, terms of payment, terms, etc. As for the deposit, including its payment, Escrow Agent acts solely on the basis of the deposit agreement ( escrow agreement). 
Deposit Agreement (Escrow Agreement) determines the time during which the buyer transfers funds to the Deposit Agent, the amount transferred, determines who pays for customer service Escrow Agent and to what extent. 
The deposit is a term deposit, ie the seller must submit the documents to the Deposit Agent, proving the fulfillment of the conditions specified in the deposit agreement (Escrow Agreement) with an agreed date. The Escrow Agent will then pay the appropriate amount to the Seller. 
If the documents that meet the terms of the deposit agreement have not been submitted to the Deposit Agent in accordance with the agreed term, the deposit is terminated and the funds stored on the deposit are transferred back to the buyer. The terms of the deposit agreement (Escrow Agreement) allow partial payments.

Question: What goal is achieved in the escrow transactions by the parties to such calculations?

Answer: With a conditional deposit, the buyer and seller manage the risk that one of them fulfills the conditions but the other does not. To manage the risks, the buyer's funds are deposited with a conditional deposit agent, who will pay the amount of the deposit to the seller in accordance with previously agreed terms. Payment of the escrow deposit is made after fulfillment of the conditions established in the deposit agreement (Escrow Agreement).

Question: What kind of information about the escrow accounts transactions gets to the tax or fiscal authorities and about the parties using escrow payments?

Answer: The escrow agent has no obligations to the fiscal authorities of any country and does not provide them with information about the transactions. Cash payment is always inferior to escrow payments on the reliability of transactions, as it has tens of times more risks for each of the parties to the trade.

Question: Want to sell goods how to do it practically?

Answer: It all depends on your ultimate goals. You can sell the same way you did before and earn as much as you used to earn. You can also sell more and earn more if you use additional sales methods or additional sales channels in the trade. They will bring you additional sales and additional profits. We offer secure methods of selling goods and services. The protection is that all traders will never lose anything they own. To sell your products you just need to use our services of protected trade and sell everything through us. And we, as an intermediary, guarantee you this comprehensive protection of every trade transaction, regardless of where in the world or in which country your buyer is located.

Question: where do you need to come or fly to open an account with you as an escrow agent to perform escrow payments?

Answer: If you have made purchases on such well-known trading platforms as AliExpress, Amazon, Dhgates, Ebay, Allegro, OLX and many others and made a payment for the goods through these platforms, then you have previously used the escrow transactions, as these platforms are intermediaries in trading transactions. But none of the users of these platforms flew to America or China to open an account for them. Our platform works similarly - you have the opportunity to use our services similarly via the Internet. Today, it is difficult to find a person who has never in his life used the escrow transactions.

Question: There are dozens of escrow agents in the world and maybe hundreds, what are your advantages over other escrow agents?

Answer: Our advantages 
1. Your assets have 100% protection against losses in sales transactions. It cannot be that you pay and do not receive the purchased assets. No alternative payment methods or credit cards, letters of credit or others will give you such guarantees. 
2. If you do not have enough money to buy something in escrow payment, then there is an opportunity to get a loan. No other Escrow agent provides such an opportunity. 
3. You can get a loan in theory with any credit rating, if you can prove the ability to repay the loan and pay interest on it. 
4. Credit rates are even 10 times lower than in some Eastern European countries. 
5. International loans are provided to the buyer, which is rare. 
6. Loans are issued with selfcollateralization - you do not need to look for collateral, you do not need several years to work on the turnover to show in the bank when applying for a loan. 
7. We protect loans and assets of buyers and sellers at our expense throughout the period of their use.

Question: Tell me why I need you as an intermediary if I trust the buyer?

Answer: If you trust the buyer, then you can trade without us. If you have traded so far, then you have done so, selling goods without us. And so you served everyone you trusted and who had their own money to pay for your goods. Those who did not have such funds could not buy your product. Some of your customers have received loans from banks or other credit institutions to buy your product. But not everyone could get such loans. Some had a bad credit history, some were a start-up with no history of cash inflows to their account, and some had a return that did not satisfy the lender. And someone did not have any collateral to be able to guarantee the loan repayment. All these people or companies did not receive credit, did not buy goods from you and did not bring you profit. The secure method of selling through an Escrow account also protects the loan and the lender. The lender is more willing in this case to lend even without collateral. So more buyers will have money and will be able to buy your product. This will increase the number of buyers, there will be more goods sold and you will get a larger profit. Therefore, with us as an intermediary, you will earn more, because thanks to our protection, which automatically protects not only your trading operations but also the lender, you will get more buyers and more profit.

Question: What Is Cross Collateralization?

Answer: You’re probably already familiar with the concept of a collateral loan. One example of a collateralized loan is a mortgage. With a mortgage, your house becomes the lender’s collateral for the loan. If you fail to repay the loan as agreed, the lender has the right to take the asset (in this case your house) and sell it to someone else to try to recuperate its losses.

Collateral requirements on secured business loans can vary from lender to lender. Some might require you to put up assets that your business owns. Others might want you to put up personal assets. On the other hand, if you borrow money to purchase a large piece of equipment, the equipment itself may serve as collateral.

Cross collateralization is a little different. Sometimes a lender may need or want you to pledge more than one type of collateral (also called security interest) to secure a loan for your business. This might include business assets, personal assets, or some combination of the two.

However, the term cross collateralization can also be used to describe another common practice in lending. If you repeatedly pledge a single asset as collateral to secure an existing loan as well as additional financing, this too is referred to as cross collateralization.

These loans have what’s called a cross default provision. If you default on one of the loans, you default on all of them that use the same asset as collateral. Banks may offer cross collateral loans, but they’re more common with credit unions.

Question: What is it Undercollateralized loans

Answer: An undercollateralized loan is any loan that is not fully collateralized. That is to say that if the loan were defaulted, the collateral would not fully cover the principal. Although the concept of undercollateralized loans may raise some questions and concerns, it is conceived in a way to protect the interests of both the borrower as well as the lender.

Undercollateralized loans could be enabled through credit delegations. Credit delegations can be explained through a hypothetical scenario between Mary and Sam.

Let’s assume that Mary has deposited US$100,000 into a DeFi lending platform providing undercollateralized loans. Mary could use the DeFi platform to lend the whole amount using collateralized loans to other users of the DeFi platform and get a good return on her investment. However, Sam needs some urgent financial support, and Sam is well-known to Mary and is trusted by her. Hence to help Sam, who cannot obtain collateral to get his loan sanctioned, Mary helps him with an undercollateralized loan.

To achieve this, Mary will have to delegate her credit to a particular borrower, in this case, Sam. And once Mary delegates her credit, Sam can use the DeFi platform to obtain a loan without depositing collateral.

Question: What are self-secured loans?

Answer: Some types of business loans don’t require the business owner to put up collateral, because the loan is “self-secured.”

In these loans, the asset that you are purchasing, or borrowing against, acts as the collateral itself.

For example, equipment financing is when you obtain the funds to purchase a new piece of equipment (a vehicle, heavy machinery, etc). In this case, the piece of equipment acts as collateral—if you default, the lender will seize the equipment, and while you’ll be back at square one, you won’t lose any other assets in the process.

The same goes for invoice financing, where you borrow money against an outstanding invoice from a late-paying client, or inventory financing, where you borrow the money to purchase a large amount of inventory. In each case, the lender can pursue the invoice or inventory in question if need be.

These forms of financing are both fairly affordable—because the collateral is built into the loan, the interest rates are on the lower side—and responsible (because if you default, the other core assets of your business aren’t at risk).

The downside is that they are limited in scope, because they require you to have a certain financing need (e.g. a new piece of equipment, or a cash flow gap caused by a slow client). But if you need an easy way to build business credit with low risk, self-secured loans are a great option.

Question: What is the procedure of escrow transactions and how exactly are they carried out?

Answer: Procedure of escrow transactions

1. Clients, as a buyer and seller, submits an applications for opening an escrow deposit accounts with Escrow Agent based on conditions of their Contract for Purchase and Sale. Seller opens account online based on invitation code from Escrow Agent created by Buyer.

2. The Escrow Agent prepares a Escrow Agreement pursuant to the client’s instructions, which is signed by the buyer, the seller and the Escrow Agent.

3. The buyer transfers the amount specified in the Escrow Agreement (based also on Contract for Purchase and Sale) to the Seller (Article 4) or to the Escrow Agent (Article 5).

4. Method first. The Buyer deposits the Payment directly to the Seller's account by issuing special revocable electronic automatic letter of credit to the Seller's account with Escrow Agent, keeping the password for opening the letter of credit. Essentially, this is not a standard bank letter of credit, but wire transfer of funds with their blocking on the beneficiary’s account, which resembles the functions of a revocable letter of credit. If the seller fulfills the terms of the purchase and sale agreement, then the Buyer sends to the Seller a password to open a letter of credit. The seller opens a letter of credit using a password and begins to use the received payment. If the Seller does not fulfill the terms of the sale and purchase agreement, the Escrow Agent returns the payment to the Buyer. In the event of disputes between the Buyer and the Seller, the Escrow Agent acts as an arbiter and resolving them.

5. Method second. After the transaction, the seller submits the documents specified in the Contract for Purchase and Sale to the Escrow Agent and both parties seller and buyer submit copies (scans) of Contract for Purchase and Sale. If these documents are in conformity with the deposit contract (Escrow Agreement) terms, the Escrow Agent will make a payment to the seller.

Question: For which types of transactions are escrow deposits used?

Answer: Escrow deposits are used for purchase and sale transactions, the object of which (asset) is movable or immovable property, claims, securities, etc. This deposit guarantees that if the seller has fulfilled his obligations (for example, transferred the assets to the buyer) and made this in writing, the Escrow Agent will pay the deposit to the seller.

Question: How much does it cost to make a secure transaction through escrow accounts? How much do I have to pay an escrow agent?

Answer: We provide exclusive protection of trade agreements COMPLETELY FREE OF CHARGE. Why risk goods or money, why hire security guards or collectors and bear the costs associated with this, if we provide you with adequate protection in any trade transactions at our expense in a comprehensive package of services to you as a user of our loans, regardless of whether you are borrower or ordinary seller of goods or services.

Question: Can I get paid for my goods in cash?

Answer: All Escrow accounts in the world are accounts for non-cash transactions. And if for Escrow transactions the buyer used own means, you without any restrictions can transfer them to any bank of the world and receive cash in it. If the buyer paid you with credit money received in the bank of his country, the situation is similar and there is no obstacle to get cash. If you have been paid using funds received as a self-secured, under-secured or cross-collaterized loan, you will not be able to receive cash immediately after the sale at an ATM or bank. To receive cash in this case, you must use the proceeds to purchase any asset and sell it for cash on the free market or through a non-cash payment in which payment was made with buyer's own funds or a loan from a local bank and then receive cash at an ATM or local bank . For example, you bought a product for $ 100 and sold it through a protected Escrow account for $ 200. With the money you receive, you buy a product for $ 200 through an escrow-protected purchase and sell it again without using an escrow payment for $ 400, and you receive that $ 400 in cash at an ATM or any bank.

Question: How exactly can you advise me to trade?

Answer: Trade in a modern way, trade without fear, trade without worrying about losses, as you are reliably protected from them. Expand your trade turnover by increasing sales of escrow transactions, buy more goods for sale through our lending to your business. Familiarize your business partners and suppliers with the ability to make secure escrow deals and with the ability to increase sales by buying from suppliers by buying and selling and paying on escrow accounts by handing them a copy of this booklet or by providing a link to our website (www.vrmt.us). If you do not take care of increasing sales and increasing your turnover (if you are an entrepreneur!) - no one will do it for you.

Question: Where can I get more information if needed?

Answer: You can get more detailed information from the escrow Agent, Credit Institution or Buyer who already has experience in escrow transactions or all together.

Internet addresses of the Escrow Agent - https://www.eurostandardbank.com,
Lender www.globstarclub.org

Question: Are escrow payments legal?

Answer: Escrow payments are not prohibited by law in any country in the world. That is, they are completely legal.

Question: What are the main advantages of a secure method of selling through an escrow account of an escrow agent?

Answer: You can make this deal alone, regardless of the amount of the deal and no matter what you are selling. After receiving the payment, you can make a prepayment by the same protected escrow mechanism, without worrying that money will be taken from you and the goods or other asset will not be handed over to you. No matter in which city or country the Buyer will be located, you are reliably protected in the transaction. If Buyer do not receive the goods or assets provided by the contract, 100% of Buyer's working capital will be returned to his or her account by an escrow agent. In the agreement, you do not need security guards, witnesses and other outside participants, whose services are usually used when making cash payments. We have taken care of your peace and protection of your property interests, protection of our loan funds and protection of the interests of all who will use them, both buyers and sellers.

Question: What will I really have if I agree to the buyer's offer to sell the asset through an escrow account?

Answer: By agreeing to the buyer's offer, you have the opportunity to sell your asset today, right now, be 100% protected from the risks of losing something in the deal, feel free to accept payment and transfer to the buyer your goods, real estate, boat, yacht, car or plane and so on.

Question: What interest does the borrower pay who should use the loans to buy goods or services in secure transactions?

Answer: The borrower who has to use loans to buy goods or services in secure transactions (Escrow transactions) pays a fairly low interest rate, which is even lower than those paid when obtaining collateral or mortgage loans. The exact amount of interest is determined individually, but in general the interest rate is lower than 5% per annum. The larger the loan amount, the lower the rate and sometimes reaches 2% per year. Borrowers are usually quite satisfied with such a low interest rate that leads to an increase in their number, leading to increased sales and increased sales of the seller, respectively.

Question: Where you can find a lender who agrees to pledge the buyer of my goods or services without collateral ?

Answer: We have a list of such lenders who lend to your customers no matter what country they are in and no matter what their credit history is, no matter if they have collateral and no matter what credit rating they have. It is thanks to secure transactions that such lending is possible. Becoming our client you will be able to get acquainted with them.