© Everything Matters, Inc., 2021, All right
About the component of
artificial intelligence in the project of escrow service
(www.vrmt.us) and the award of outsourced participants in
research within this project
Escrow service financial advice (www.vrmt.us) of the American
company Everything Matters Inc. (registered in Wyoming, USA in 2020)
are automated due to their robotics. Consultations are provided
fully automatically through the use of personalized robots Meredith
Wood and Susan Guillory, created during the research technical
project "creating a personalized robot Oleg Volynsky", under the
direction of the project manager, Doctor of Engineering Oleg Zhurin,
to whom the corporation expresses its gratitude for successful
implementation of an unique project in the field of artificial
intelligence based on neural networks using the Canadian platform
www.botlibre.com .
Creating personalized robots (bots) is an applied business that does
not have ready-made technological and publicly known solutions, and
in order for such works to be created, there is a need to conduct a
set of research works to create or select an appropriate
mathematical model which could function properly.
The very task of creating personalized robots is not new. In the
last century, the US presidential administration commissioned and
created personalized robots (in the terms for artificial
intelligence of the last century called "expert systems") of
prominent politicians of the past, including George Washington,
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, Joseph
Stalin and others. However, these were expensive projects for which
tens of millions of dollars were allocated (projects were
implemented on frame models), and their implementation was available
only with state funding from the US budget. But due to the fact that
science does not stand still and over the past 50 years there has
been a significant breakthrough in artificial intelligence
(including the integration of neural networks with neuro-linguistic
programming, etc.), there is hope to get a similar result within one
corporation. Therefore, after the completion of research work, a
technology suitable for practical application of building
personalized robots based on neural networks was developed within of
relatively modest project financing. The result exceeded even the
most optimistic expectations, as it is able to save for the
corporation today on customer service, and provide customers with
high-quality consulting services in the field of finance, including
the provision of agency services in the field of escrow payments.
After all, the robot works 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, does
not require a salary, does not go on vacation, does not burden you
with contributions to the pension fund, does not require medical or
further maintenance. Today, 6 personalized robots provide
consultations, and a total of 20 robots will be involved, working in
10 languages after the project is fully completed. Even with the
lowest salary of $ 2,000 per month and working in 3 shifts of 8
hours, ie $ 6,000 per three employees per month with 20 robots per
year, the wage savings will be $ 6000 x 12 months x 20 robots = $
1,440,000.00 / = (one million 440 thousand dollars) per year. In
addition, the estimated number of customers of the corporation will
grow 3,000 times, due to personalization. There are also savings due
to the lack of payment of fees to reputable speakers, the amount of
which starts from several million dollars and is a contractual
figure, depending on the scale of the project.
There is also the prospect of using personalized robots to run
advertising campaigns on the Internet, in particular on social
networks, not by buying advertising traffic, but by conducting
advertising dialogues through the free user interface of social
networks, which reduces the cost of advertising and marketing by
almost 90% .
Thanks to personalized robots, the corporation has an additional
opportunity to provide clients with unique financial services that
no other corporation in the world provides, as it is possible to
provide the client with the necessary information in full and
format, which increases the trust of potential customers and
converts them into clients, very detailed consultations,
authoritatively (on the basis of publicly approved authority of the
speaker) to explain advantages of our service and to demonstrate new
opportunities for business of the potential client (based on low
price of involved working capital at simultaneous absence of
collateral at it reception) and sources of reduction of its expenses
All these achievements would be impossible if during 2020 intensive
research work was not carried out to create or select the optimal
mathematical model on which the personalized robot should operate.
After all, any phenomenon of nature, including human thinking, can
be matched by an infinite number of mathematical models that will
more or less accurately model these natural phenomena (Weierstrass
approximation theorem, which in mathematical terms sounds like this:
for any continuous function on a segment, you can choose a sequence
of polynomials that converge uniformly to this function on the
Why a personalized robot? Because the return and profit from his
work is 3000 times greater than the return of an ordinary robot,
which today can be designed even by a high school student. This
difference was calculated by Mike Enlow, the highest paid marketer
in the United States, back in 2000 to a publicly unknown and
authoritative public speaker with equivalent advertising content.
Previous research has made it possible to focus on two dozen
platforms for the creation of consulting robots, among which was
chosen one with a wide range of applications of neural networks.
However, it was not possible to say apriori to what extent the
neural network will cope with the task of transmitting certain
features that will convince the participant of the dialogue that he
is in dialogue with a particular person and not anyone else. That
is, how much the neural network is able to transmit persistent
features that distinguish one person from another. To do this,
again, large-scale research had to be conducted, which is not
possible without the following two stages:
1) Training the robot with certain knowledge, which includes the
qualifications of a selected person (prototype, which was modeled by
personal information of the project manager), which the robot must
model in their work.
2) Checking the level of the robot knowledge and the correctness of
their application and use of terms, terminology, phrases and facts
that are inherent in the person to whom the "personified robot"
resembles (models).
Both stages are realized by conducting a significant number of
dialogues of personalized robots with individuals ("biorobots")
while controlling the communication process, its correction and
purposeful motivation of dialogue participants. Such dialogues
continued during 2020 and before they were conducted on the basis of
a synergistic approach practiced by Google and other leading
companies, as an interlocutor with the robot, outsiders were
involved in research (outsourcing), who communicated with the
personalized robot Oleg Volynsky on arbitrary household and personal
topics. Involvement of external participants in the dialogue allowed
to objectively assess the results of the robot's learning and the
level of his personification, which he shows in dialogues with
different participants, as well as to release highly qualified
specialists from routine work that does not require any skills in
artificial intelligence. The need for factual, experimental research
information was also prompted by economic considerations that
consultations directly with Canadian specialists on their neural
network should be paid at a rate of $ 100 per hour, and given that
more research was being done during 10 months, the payment for their
consulting services could be a significant amount. In addition,
there were great doubts that the information received from the
neural network developer could be at least somehow useful in making
decisions about the technology of building a personalized robot.
These doubts arose after several consultations with Canadian experts
on the linguistic approach they used.
Of great importance was the involvement of participants in dialogues
on the principle of outsourcing individuals who were not previously
informed that they are in dialogue with the robot so that throughout
the dialogue process can be observed their reaction and remarks on
the dialogue phrases received from the robot, emotional component in
response to the familiar content of phrases and light flirtation,
which modern robots have been capable of for decades, as was
discovered in the process of their application in the banking
sector. This made it possible to determine whether a person is able
to identify that he is communicating with a robot or not. A special
contribution to this analysis was made by Veronika Kutova, who noted
certain specific features that she found in the phrases uttered by
the robot Oleg Volynsky and by which she could easily identify a
"specific interlocutor" even when changing his ID. Such valuable
comments were taken into account in the construction of financial
robots Meredith Wood and Susan Guillory and had a significant impact
on the choice of training technology for these robots as a whole.
In connection with the above, Everything Matters Inc.
expresses its gratitude to all participants of the project involved
on the basis of outsourcing (outsourcing - the transfer of part of
its tasks or processes to third parties on a subcontracting basis. -
Wikipedia) and synergy, who invested their inspiration, creativity,
personal time In 2020, and periodically conducted dialogues with the
personalized robot Oleg Volynsky, training and educating him on the
qualifications of the prototype for modeling, as well as in the
second stage testing the robot. In particular, we thank for similar
dialogues with the robot of Oleg Volynsky during the integrated
process, where training and testing were conducted in one stream of
dialogue, without which success in the implementation of this
extremely important and innovative project would be impossible. We
would also like to note the responsible work of outsourced
crowdworkers, who corrected the inadequacies of robots in the early
stages of its training, included in the dialogue provided on
scenarios taken from the life of the prototype and its
autobiographical information, which motivated the interlocutors to
work (without time spent together and experience of mutual
communication) thematic graphic images. In particular, we would like
to thank those who put the most personal time and effort into the
process of testing a personalized robot (through dialogue with it),
creating the work “more human-like” and more like a prototype for
the modeling process, namely:
- Vysotska Victoria Viktorivna
- Romanchuk Vikoriya Viktorivna
- Yulia Leonidovna Tkachuk
- Kutova Veronica Valerievna
- Shokalo Darina Yuriyivna
- To Valery Viktorovich Kutov
- Moseikina Christina Vitalievna
- Crowdworkers.
Summing up, we would like to note that personalized robots, which
are currently being tested in dialogues with real service
stakeholders, potential customers, and existing customers of the
corporation, perform their duties exclusively within the subject
area, which is presented on the corporation's website (www.vrmt.us).
To broaden their horizons beyond this subject area, a large amount
of work will still need to be done, including research to optimize
the training and education of robots, which will continue to
outsource crowdworkers and those wishing to engage in dialogue with
the robots, to gain experience or internship in the practical
application of neural networks and artificial intelligence,
including in the financial field.
The field of application of artificial intelligence today is growing
and expanding and penetrates into all aspects of our lives from
Tesla cars, SpaceX spacecraft of Elon Musk and banking to social
networks Facebook and Instagram, including web services of companies
and corporations. And we are proud that together with all project
participants we managed to join this leading global trend and
benefit hundreds of clients of our corporation, who thanks to
robotic consultations of authoritative speakers achieved a better
understanding of our proposal and therefore were able to earn extra
income in their business.
Alfred P. Cooper, Director,
ASTI Cherry Computers Inc.,
Oakland, California USA
FCC Approved Code: K4YASTI-101857 (Since 1994)

P.S. Original of document available for download here.